Information about the extraordinary general meeting
How do I attend the extraordinary general meeting?
As a registered shareholder, you will receive a proxy card from Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc (“Broadridge”). The form contains instructions on how to attend the extraordinary general meeting including the URL address, [•], along with your control number. You will need your control number for access. If on the Record Date, your shares were held not in your name, but rather in an account at a brokerage firm, custodian bank, or other nominee, then you are the beneficial owner of shares held in “street name,” and you will need to contact your brokerage firm, custodian bank, or other nominee, to obtain a legal proxy and control number for access.
How do I change or revoke my vote after I have voted?
You may change your vote at any time until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the extraordinary general meeting by logging into with your control number or by calling the 1-800 number indicated on your proxy card. If you wish to change or revoke your vote by mail, you must mark, sign and date your proxy card, and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
Please note, however, that if on the Record Date, your shares were held in street name, then these proxy materials have been forwarded to you by your brokerage firm, custodian bank, or other nominee, and you must follow their instructions or contact them to change or revoke your vote.
How are votes counted?
Votes will be counted by the inspector of election appointed for the extraordinary general meeting, who will separately count “FOR” and “AGAINST” votes, “ABSTAIN” and broker non-votes. The approval of the Extension Amendment Proposal and the Name Change Proposal each require a special resolution, being the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the then-issued and outstanding ordinary shares who are present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereon, and who vote thereon, at the extraordinary general meeting. Approval of the Adjournment Proposal requires an ordinary resolution under Cayman Islands law, being the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes cast by the holders of the issued ordinary shares who are present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereon, and who vote thereon, at the extraordinary general meeting.
Shareholder approval of the Extension Amendment Proposal is required for the implementation of the Board’s plan to extend the date by which we must complete a Business Combination. Notwithstanding shareholder approval of the Extension Amendment Proposal, the Board will retain the right to abandon and not implement the Extension Amendment at any time without any further action by our shareholders.
Shareholders who attend the extraordinary general meeting, either in person or by proxy (or, if a corporation or other non-natural person, by sending their duly authorized representative or proxy), will be counted (and the number of ordinary shares held by such shareholders will be counted) for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is present at the extraordinary general meeting. The presence, in person or by proxy or by duly authorized representative, at the extraordinary general meeting of the holders of a majority of all issued and outstanding ordinary shares entitled to vote at the extraordinary general meeting shall constitute a quorum for the extraordinary general meeting.
At the extraordinary general meeting, only those votes which are actually cast, either “FOR” or “AGAINST,” the Extension Amendment Proposal, the Name Change Proposal or the Adjournment Proposal, will be counted for the purposes of determining whether the Extension Amendment Proposal, the Name Change Proposal or the Adjournment Proposal (as the case may be) are approved, and any ordinary shares which are not voted at the extraordinary general meeting will have no effect on the outcome of such votes.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be considered present for the purposes of establishing a quorum but, as a matter of Cayman Islands law, will not constitute votes cast at the extraordinary general meeting and therefore will have no effect on the approval of each of the Proposals as a matter of Cayman Islands law.
As of the Record Date, the Sponsor owns approximately 76.4% of our issued and outstanding ordinary shares, consisting of 4,300,000 Class A ordinary shares and 4,325,000 Class B ordinary shares, which is approximately 61.7% of the Class A ordinary shares and 100% of the Class B ordinary shares. Accordingly, as of the Record Date, the Company would not need any Public Shares to be voted in favor of the Extension Amendment Proposal, the Name